Physical Education Philosophy

The curriculum of Physical Education is designed to assist students to:

  • develop physical efficiency, endurance, speed, agility, and balance;
  • increase skill level in and appreciation of team and individual sports, and lifetime recreational activities;
  • convey the concepts of good sportsmanship, responsibility, cooperation, and discipline;
  • emphasize the qualities of leadership, confidence, respect, courtesy, honesty, and enthusiasm.

Grading Policy

Minus Ten Points – No Uniform, No Sneakers or No Lock
Minus Five Points – Missing Proper Shirt or Shorts

Two or more Unprepareds – A telephone call will be made to the parents and a written report will be assigned.

Grade Based on 70% Assessment and 30% Participation.


Physical Education

  • Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

Health Education

  • Grade 10