“Opening hearts to Christ through prayer, family-spirit, and service”
what Campus Ministry is all about at Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School.
Translated into practical terms, we invite our students to grow spiritually by offering their service and talents here at school, in their parish, or in the community. Throughout the year, students are invited to participate in a wide range of service opportunities: from assisting with after-school programs, tutoring, preparing and/or assisting at school liturgies, retreat experiences, coaching, and helping at food pantries, to name a few. During summer months, students have completed service hours at summer camps, ecological projects, and hospitals. Students can drop by the Brother Donald Sukanek, S.C. Campus Ministry Office for available service opportunities. The possibilities are endless! McClancy students have an unyielding tradition of involvement; they want to serve! Campus Ministry is compelled to tap into their generous hearts. It is a blessing to have an administration, faculty, and staff that are encouraging and supportive in everything we sponsor.
Mandatory Service Hours (Graduation Requirement)
As a Catholic school, Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School, challenges our students to live out the Gospel of Jesus in the spirit of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart by sharing their gifts and talents with others. To achieve this, we require mandatory service hours for our students.
Commencing with the incoming freshman and every grade level thereafter students will be required to provide service hours to their parish, local community and/or school. This is a McClancy graduation requirement for all students. The number of service hours will be increased incrementally as the students mature throughout their years in the school.
The numbers of recommended hours, by grade level, are as follows:
Freshman Year – 15 hours
Sophomore Year – 15 hours
Junior Year – 20 hours
Senior Year – 25 hours
Total – 75 hours
The service hours for a student must be verified by the organization which is being served. A student service log must be completed and submitted in a timely fashion stating the date, the service provided, the amount of hours served, a phone number and signature of the official representative of the organization. If a confirmation letter about your service has been obtained, it can be attached to the official log. The student service log can be found on the home page of your PlusPortal account. The Campus Ministry Office will provide further details and clarify the information regarding your service hours. The number of student hours served will be recorded by the Director of Campus Ministry.
Presently, upperclassmen are involved in voluntary service and we continue to encourage the students to take part in helping others through the Campus Ministry Program. Our program has grown immensely by the compassion of our students and the responsibility they have toward others in the community.